65+ Fun Questions To Ask A Guy You Like | Just Met | Dating 2024

Just ask your crush or loved ones one question at a time!

The game can be one-sided, but others can play, too. Ask each other questions back and forth using this fun question list.

Pick suitable fun questions to ask a guy from the list below to know him deeper, make him laugh, etc…!!!

Fun Questions To Ask A Guy To Get To Know Him Deeper

Fun Questions To Ask A Guy To Get To Know Him Deeper

“What would you change about yourself if you could?”

“What motivates you to work hard?”

“What form of public transportation do you prefer? (air, boat, train, bus, car, etc.)”

“What’s the most spontaneous thing you’ve done lately?”

“What two radio stations do you listen to in the car the most?”

“If you could hire someone to help you, would it be with cleaning, cooking, or yard work?”

“Would you rather vacation in Mexico or Alaska, and why?”

“What is your favorite thing about your career?”

“If you could live anywhere, where would it be?”

“Who is your hero?”

Funny Questions To Ask A Guy To Make Him Laugh

Funny Questions To Ask A Guy To Make Him Laugh

“How do you handle people you don’t like?”

“Which came first, the egg or the chicken?”

“Where do you want to be in an hour?”

“What is the color of your underwear right now?”

“What song do you feel the absolute urge to sing along with whenever you hear it?”

“What’s the one thing that you’re most terrible at?”

“Do you consider yourself more of a nice person or a naughty person?”

Fun Questions To Ask A Guy You Like

Fun Questions To Ask A Guy You Like

“What small stuff do you always sweat?”

“For you, what does the perfect burger look like?”

“What can you talk about for hours on end?”

“What’s the most absurd thing that has become a reality for you?”

“What’s your biggest kitchen fail?”

“What do you consider the s#xiest animal on the planet?”

“Given the chance, what would you say to your five year old self?”

“Are you happy right now?”

“What is the longest amount of time you have been awake?”

“What common piece of advice or words of wisdom don’t actually make much sense?”

“What’s your favorite smell?”

“What is your signature dance move?”

Fun Questions To Ask A Guy Friend

Fun Questions To Ask A Guy Friend

“What is something that everyone looks stupid doing?”

“What’s the craziest thing you’ve ever done?”

“If you were a pizza topping, what would you be and why?”

“What’s the most terrible movie that you love?”

“If you were a rapper, what would your rapper name be?”

“Would you rather always say everything that goes in your mind or never speak a word again?”

“Could you go for a month without any kind of electronic gadget?”

“Can you fold a fitted sheet?”

Flirty Fun Questions To Ask A Guy

“What would you do If I kissed you right now?”

“What is your biggest turn on?”

“Do you prefer cuddling or kissing?”

“What are your favourite pet names for girlfriends?”

“Want to know a secret?”

“What is your biggest turn off?”

“Who was your teacher crush?”

Fun Questions To Ask A Guy You’re Dating

“What is your biggest pet peeve about dating?”

What would you change about social media?”

“What food would you never eat?”

What do you think your best physical feature is?”

What do you like the most about me?”

If you could change your job right now, what would you be?”

Give them three words you would use to describe yourself.”

What does your perfect date look like?”

What is one thing a woman can do to instantly impress you?”

What has been your most embarrassing moment so far?”

What is one thing a woman can do that would instantly turn you off?”

What is your favorite compliment to receive?”

What makes you smile even when you’ve had the worst day?”

Fun Questions To Ask A Guy You Just Met

“When is your birthday?”

“Which hobby of yours takes most of your time?”

“What are some things you wish you had known when you were younger?”

“How do you deal with people who annoy you for no apparent reason?”

“Where would you live if you could live anywhere in the world?”

“What kinds of stuff makes you laugh the hardest?”

“Who is your celebrity crush?”

Fun Questions To Ask A Guy On A Dating App

“What is the best compliment someone can give you?”

“What is your ideal Saturday night? And Sunday morning?”

“When was the last time you challenged yourself physically? What did you do?”

“When was the last time you laughed until you cried? What happened?”

“Do you have an embarrassing drunk story?”

“How would your best friend describe you?”

“Have you ever read a book that changed your life?”

“What’s the best decision you made in your life?”

“What was the scariest moment of your life and how did you handle it?”

“If you could time travel, which eras would be on your list?”

“If you could have a dinner with any 4 people, dead or alive, who would you invite? And what would you eat?”

“What’s one thing that would make your day better right now?”

We hope these fun lines are great for you and help you start a conversation.

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