75+ Best Conversation Starters With A Guy | Crush | Over Text 2024

Here are some of the best conversation starters with a guy to get him into an engaging and interesting chat.

Moreover, these conversation starters can be useful to get to know him online or over text with funny, flirty questions…!!!

Good Conversation Starters With A Guy Over Text

Good Conversation Starters With A Guy Over Text

“How would you describe yourself in three words?”

“What’s your favorite thing about your hometown?”

“What did you want to be when you were younger?”

“If you came with a warning label, what would it say?”

“What do you have planned for this weekend?”

“Do you want to know something I really like about you?”

“If you have an hour of free time, how do you typically spend it?”

“If you have an hour of free time, how do you typically spend it?”

“What’s your absolute favorite food?”

“What’s the most interesting thing you’ve read recently?”

“What’s something that surprised you about me?”

“What do you think we should do for our next date?”

Flirty Conversation Starters With A Guy

Flirty Conversation Starters With A Guy

“I couldn’t help but notice your smile. Mind if I make it even brighter?”

“I have a challenge for you… Try not to smile when texting me. “

“How have you gone so long without messaging me? I think I’m pretty cute. “

“Do you believe in love at first sight? “

“What’s your favorite way to start the day? Mine is waking up to a text from you.”

“What’s the most romantic date you’ve ever organized?”

“When can I see you again? Note: I am free all days that end in y.”

“What initially made you interested in me?”

“I’m going to make a playlist that sounds like you… want to make me one?”

“My dog just told me to tell you that he misses you.” 

“Miss me yet?”

Funny Conversation Starters With A Guy

“Tell me an embarrassing, yet funny story.”

“What’s the weirdest smell you have ever smelled?”

“What is the funniest joke that you know?”

“What is the weirdest thing you are afraid of?”

“If animals could talk, which animal would be the rudest?”

“What is the silliest way that you’ve been injured?”

“What makes you laugh?”

“What was your worst fashion disaster?”

“What is your go-to joke?”

“What is the funniest text you’ve gotten?”

“What makes you smile without fail?”

“What is the craziest dream you’ve had?”

“What is the funniest story you know?”

Conversation Starters With A Guy Friend

“What do you like to do in your free time?”

“Do you have any hidden talents?”

“Do you have a favorite comedian?”

“What is the funniest text you’ve ever gotten or sent?”

“What are some places you’d love to visit one day?”

“What would your dream vacation look like?”

“Are you a dog or cat person?”

“If you could have any animal as a pet, what would it be?”

“Where did you grow up?”

“Who is the closest person to you in your life?”

“What qualities do you find attractive in a partner?”

“What are your relationship deal breakers?”

Conversation Starters With A Boyfriend

“Do you want children one day? If so, why?”

“What makes you feel safe?”

“How do you think you’ve changed in the last 10 years?”

“What’s your form of self-care?”

“What’s your favorite place in the world?”

“What would you say your biggest insecurity is?”

“Who’s your best friend, and why?”

“Why did you finish your last relationship?”

“What do you need before you fully trust someone?”

“What is your perfect self-care day?”

“Do you know what my deal breakers are?”

“Do you think we’re introverts and extroverts?”

“What initially attracted you to me?”

Deep Conversation Starters With A Guy

“What do you value most about our relationship?”

“What’s your form of self-care?”

“Is there anything you would consider a deal breaker in a relationship?”

“What do you think makes a long-term relationship successful?”

“Do you believe in love at first sight or the existence of soulmates?”

“Why did you finish your last relationship?”

“What’s your favorite thing to do by yourself?”

“How do you define a healthy relationship?”

“Do you know what my deal breakers are?”

“Do you think we’re introverts and extroverts?”

Conversation Starters With A Guy You Like

“Is there anything I do that turns you on?”

“Do you remember the most embarrassing thing that’s happened in the bedroom?”

“Do you like to be in control in the bedroom?”

“Have you ever had a 1-night stand?”

“What place do you visit when you’re missing me?”

“What do you like most about my body?”

“What’s your favorite part of 4-play?”

Conversation Starters With A Guy Crush Over Text

“What’s your favorite thing about a first date?”

“What food describes your personality?”

“What is the strangest date you’ve been on?”

“What crazy thing do you want to try someday?”

“What is your favorite way to show affection?”

“Do have a funny story from a blind date set up?”

“What is your weirdest deal breaker?”

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