90+ Best Conversation Starter Questions | Families | Crush | Couples 2024

Here are some of the best conversation starter questions to ask families, crushes, married or unmarried couples, friends, etc.

Moreover, these conversation questions can be beneficial to get into an engaging talk at a party, get together, or anywhere.

Conversation Starter Questions For Families

Conversation Starter Questions For Families

“If you could design your own school, what would it look like?”

“What are you most proud of?”

“Do you think your friends talk to their parents?”

“What do you think the meaning of life is?”

“What’s one of your favorite jokes?”

“What’s your first memory?”

“What do you think makes a happy family?”

“What sound really bothers you?”

“What do you like best about each of your siblings?”

“Do you think your parents ever lie?”

“If you were a great inventor, what would you invent?”

“Is being a millionaire a worthwhile goal?”

“If you won $1000, what would you do with it?”

“Name three things you are grateful for.”

“Who is the funniest person you know? Why?”

Conversation Starter Questions For Crush

Conversation Starter Questions For Crush

“What’s something you consider a guilty pleasure?”

“Are you a morning person or a night owl?”

“What’s your favorite movie to hate-watch?”

“Are you an introvert or an extrovert?”

“Have you ever had a supernatural experience?”

“What is your biggest pet peeve?”

“Would you say you’re a superstitious person?”

“What’s your most embarrassing moment?”

“What was your luckiest moment in life?”

“What are you proud of right now?”

“Do you have any tattoos?”

“What’s your biggest turn-on?”

“Do you think you’re a good kisser?”

“How do you know when you have a crush on someone?”

Conversation Starter Questions For Adults

Conversation Starter Questions For Adults

“What’s the best gift you’ve ever gotten?”

“Great [shoes/haircut/shirt]! Where’d you get it?”

“What’s your go-to comfort food?”

“What website is your biggest time suck?”

“What’s your strangest hidden talent?”

“What’s the best concert you’ve seen?”

“What’s the worst job you’ve had?”

“Do you like your job?”

“Have you ever met anyone famous?”

“Who is your favorite celebrity couple ever?”

“What apps do you use the most?”

“How did you and your partner meet?”

Conversation Starter Questions For Couples

Conversation Starter Questions For Couples

“Do you want to have kids? Why or why not?”

“How do you feel about religion?”

“Do you have a favorite phrase or word? Why?”

“What’s your best habit?”

“What does marriage mean to you?”

“How do you feel about big proposals?”

“How important is s*x to you?”

“What do you hate?”

“What’s your deepest insecurity?”

“What’s the best meal you’ve ever had?”

“What initially made you interested in me?”

“What kind of gifts do you like?”

“Hottest position?”

“Fast and hard, or slow and gentle?”

“What’s your favorite part of my body?”

“What would we do in retirement together?”

Conversation Starter Questions For Friends

Conversation Starter Questions For Friends

“What’s the last thing that made you laugh out loud?”

“What’s a quality you still want to have at age 90?”

“What made you smile today?”

“What was the last good book you read?”

“What’s your #1 goal right now?”

“What’s your most controversial opinion?”

“What’s your quirkiest habit?”

“Who’s your role model, dead or alive?”

“What are you going to order?”

“What show are you watching right now?”

“What’s your greatest achievement so far?”

“Do you think you’re an introvert or an extrovert?”

“Where do you want to be in five years?”

“What are your thoughts on the British royal family?”

Funny Conversation Starter Questions

“Are you a night owl or an early bird?”

“What food describes your personality?”

“What’s your funniest family tradition?”

“Do you believe in aliens?”

“What was your high school yearbook superlative?”

“What trivia topic do you know the most about?”

“What’s your go-to dance move?”

“Do you collect anything?”

“Did you ever get detention in school?”

“Have you ever gotten into a food fight?”

“What’s your go-to karaoke song?”

“Do you know of any wildly helpful life hacks?”

“What’s your most embarrassing story?”

“What is the silliest fear you have?”

Conversation Starter Questions For Married Couples

“What are some things you miss about being single?”

“When or where do you feel the most “you”?”

“When did you feel most loved by me?”

“What personality traits do you think I most admire about you?”

“What’s your favorite thing about married life so far?”

“How am I like my family, and how am I different?”

“What do you think I most appreciate about you?”

“What gives you hope for the future?”

“What legacy do you want to leave?”

“How do you define a successful relationship?”

“What kind of world do you want for our kids?”

“Which haircut of mine has been your favorite?”

“Do we have a healthy relationship?”

“Do you trust the way I handle finances?”

“Have you realized anything recently?”

“If I was an ice cream flavor, what flavor would I be?”

“What is the world’s least s*xy name?”

“When am I the most cute?”

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