80+ Most Controversial Would You Rather Questions | Juicy | Debated | Crazy 2024

There are millions of people who like to play would you rather game, especially dirty, juicy and flirty ones.

Moreover, this would you rather game can be more than just fun time.

You can use this game as an opportunity to know someone better as well as start healthy conversations or debates.

Therefore, here I have compiled thought provoking topics that are the most controversial would you rather questions that include juicy and crazy questions.

Pick suitable hypothetical questions and have interesting conversations with people at work, friends, family members, or strangers as well.

Most Controversial Would You Rather

Most Controversial Would You Rather
  • Would you rather pay or get paid every time you have s*x?
  • Would you rather have to watch your best friend d*e or your dog?
  • Would you rather eat chocolate flavoured sh*t or sh*t-flavoured chocolate?
  • Would you rather have s*x with a hideously ugly person or a beautiful, fresh corpse?
  • Would you rather see your other half in a p*rn video or your parents?
  • Would you rather cheat and be caught or be cheated on and never be told?
  • Would you rather wear someone else’s dirty underwear or use their toothbrush?
  • Would you rather be constantly naked or always have people watch you have s*x?
  • Would you rather be a feminine man or a masculine woman?

Most Debated Would You Rather

Most Debated Would You Rather
  • Would you rather have tiny hands or giant feet?
  • Would you rather burp confetti or fart glitter?
  • Would you rather have toes for fingers or fingers for toes?
  • Would you rather fight 100 duck-sized horses or a horse sized duck?
  • Would you rather have a time machine or magic mirror that told you anything you want to know?
  • Would you rather be extremely rich or always happy?
  • Would you rather be trapped on an island with someone who’s top half is a fish or who’s bottom half is a fish?
  • Would you rather have hair for teeth or teeth for hair?
  • Would you rather get a tattoo or a lip piercing?
  • Would you rather be homeless or in prison?
  • Would you rather your friend or your boss falls in love with you?
  • Would you rather know the date of your death or the cause of your death?
  • Would you rather never brush your teeth or never brush your hair again (no shaving!)?
  • Would you rather eat animal brains or intestines?
  • Would you rather go to jail for a crime you didn’t commit or someone else go to jail for a crime you committed?
  • Would you rather not shower for a week or 3 times a day for a week?
  • Would you rather walk on ice or hot cement with bare feet?
  • Would you rather eat a head of raw garlic or a raw onion?
  • Would you rather not cut your fingernails or your toenails for a year?
  • Would you rather never have s*x or never find true love?

Crazy Would You Rather Questions

Crazy Would You Rather Questions
  • Would you rather your shirts be always two sizes too big or one size too small?
  • Would you rather have one nipple or two belly buttons?
  • Would you rather use a push lawnmower with a bar that is far too high or far too low?
  • Would you rather have hands that kept growing as you got older or feet that kept growing as you got older?
  • Would you rather always know exactly what time it is or always know which direction you are facing?
  • Would you rather be able to sneeze chocolate or cry your favorite soda?
  • Would you rather get married to a zombie or give birth to a zombie?
  • Would you rather get your wisdom teeth pulled or your b*tt cheeks pierced?
  • Would you rather be smacked in the face with a fish or farted on?
  • Would you rather eat a dead pigeon or eat a dead dove?
  • Would you rather have an extra toe or an extra finger?
  • Would you rather fight 1,000 ant-sized bulls or one bull-sized ant?
  • Would you rather have to hunt for everything you eat or eat only McDonald’s for every meal?
  • Would you rather give away all your money or all your possessions?
  • Would you rather let your boss or your parents see your full internet history?
  • Would you rather be able to see through walls but not windows or stay the same as you are now?
  • Would you rather have a giant nose or giant ears?
  • Would you rather be 2 inches tall or 20 feet tall?
  • Would you rather spend the rest of your life trapped inside or trapped outside?
  • Would you rather be a giant mouse or a tiny elephant?
  • Would you rather wear clown shoes forever or a clown nose forever?
  • Would you rather have all gold teeth or be missing half your teeth?

Juicy Would You Rather Questions

Juicy Would You Rather Questions
  • Would you rather whip or be whipped?
  • Would you rather dominate or be dominated?
  • Would you rather sleep with someone on the first date or wait for six months?
  • Would you rather your partner be kinky or romantic?
  • Would you rather swallow or spit?
  • Would you rather have s*x with the light on or the light off?
  • Would you rather have s*x in the shower or on the kitchen table?
  • Would you rather make love with your celebrity crush or get paid $5,000?
  • Would you rather go to the grocery store in your underwear or go to the beach n*de?
  • Would you rather sleep with your partner’s siblings or your best friends sibling?
  • Would you rather see your parents have s*x or have your parents watch you have s*x?
  • Would you rather have fluorescent poobic hair or extra-long pubic hair?
  • Would you rather have a 3*sum with two strangers or have s*x with any one of your choice?
  • Would you rather have really adventurous s*x or romantic s*x for the rest of your life?
  • Would you rather huk up with your doctor or your boss?
  • Would you rather have s*x in a car or in a tent?
  • Would you rather receive an er0tic letter or send a dirty text message?
  • Would you rather be on top or underneath?
  • Would you rather do romantic things or try out some new kinky ideas?
  • Would you rather end a first date with s*x or with a passionate kiss?
  • Would you rather have a s*x playlist with classical music on it or hardcore rock?
  • Would you rather cuddle up in front of a fireplace, or light your fire in bed?
  • Would you rather talk dirty to me over the phone or through text/picture messages?
  • Would you rather make out at the movies or in the back seat of my car?
  • Would you rather lose your sense of feeling during love or lose your sense of taste?
  • Would you rather play teacher’s pet or play doctor?
  • Would you rather have your girl dress as a s*xy librarian or an exotic dancer?
  • Would you rather do it in 32°F weather or in 100°F weather?
  • Would you rather be n@ked once in public or be a “never-n*de”?
  • Would you rather have a hickey or give a hickey?

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