90+ Best Christmas Icebreaker Questions | For Youth | Christian | Holiday | Games 2024

People want to have warm and sincere conversations with one another over the holiday season.

The heartfelt conversation improves relationships and makes Christmas special.

Nevertheless, it’s harder than it seems to start up a nice conversation.

Due to the lack of confidence in their ability to start a talk, many people feel uneasy and unwilling to go to parties.

So for those situations, we have collected icebreaker questions for your Christmas games that include a specific category for Christians.

These icebreakers can help you break the ice, with full confidence.

Christmas Icebreaker Games For Youth

Christmas Icebreaker Games For Youth
  1. If you had to live in a holiday movie, which one would you choose?
  2. What was your biggest holiday cooking or baking fail?
  3. What celebrity would be the most fun to spend the holidays with?
  4. What is your favourite winter beverage?
  5. What is the coolest holiday decoration display you have ever seen?
  6. What is one unique way your hometown celebrates the holidays?
  7. If you could spend the holidays in a foreign country, which one would you choose and why?
  8. What is the most interesting holiday decoration you own?
  9. What is your best holiday hack?
  10. What makes the best last minute present?
  11. What one word best describes the holidays for you?
  12. What is your favourite holiday commercial of all time?
  13. What is your favourite holiday flavor?
  14. In your opinion, what is the most underrated holiday film?
  15. What holiday thing do you wish would last year long?
  16. What is your favourite outdoor activity to do in the winter?
  17. If you had to make all of your Xmas gifts by yourself, what would you make?
  18. How do you get cozy during the holidays?

Christian Christmas Icebreaker Questions

Christian Christmas Icebreaker Questions
  1. What was the best holiday present you ever received?
  2. What was the strangest or worst holiday present you ever received?
  3. Which of your coworkers do you think would make the best Christmas cookies?
  4. Which of your coworkers would pick out the perfect present?
  5. Which of your coworkers is most likely to be the life of the Christmas party?
  6. What is your favorite holiday memory from childhood?
  7. What is your favorite holiday treat?
  8. What kind of holiday events are your favorite?
  9. What was the best gift you ever gave?
  10. What is your favorite holiday tradition?
  11. Does your family have any unique or bizarre traditions?
  12. What are you most looking forward to this season? Least looking forward to?
  13. What are your holiday plans?
  14. What is the best $5 gift to give someone?
  15. What Christmas gift do you treasure the most?
  16. Do you make New Year’s resolutions? Have you ever completed one?
  17. What is your best tip to stay calm and unstressed during the holidays?
  18. Do you have a holiday playlist? Name one song off of it.
  19. Do you buy presents for lots of people, or only the people who are closest to you?

Christmas Holiday Icebreaker Questions

Christmas Holiday Icebreaker Questions
  1. Which holiday decoration goes up first?
  2. Do you put up your tree before or after Thanksgiving?
  3. If money were no object, what kind of Christmas presents would you buy?
  4. Do you have a favorite Christmas ornament?
  5. How early do you start Christmas shopping?
  6. Describe your ideal Christmas.
  7. Finish the sentence: “It’s not Christmas without….”
  8. What is your favorite Christmas story?
  9. What is your favorite Christmas recipe?
  10. What is your favorite holiday movie? Least favorite?
  11. What gift would you love to unwrap?
  12. Would you rather get food poisoning on Christmas or have to drink eggnog until you puke?
  13. What is the most expensive present you have ever bought or received for Christmas?
  14. What Christmas miracle would you most like to see happen?
  15. Have you ever celebrated Christmas in July?
  16. How old were you when you stopped believing in Santa?
  17. How do you celebrate Christmas with your pets?
  18. Do you send Christmas cards?
  19. If you could spend Christmas with any one person, who would it be?
  20. Did you ever try to stay up and wait for Santa?
  21. Would you rather get pranked on Christmas or get delayed on Christmas?
  22. Would you rather receive a nice-but-regifted present or a badly-made yet heartfelt homemade present?
  23. Would you rather spend Christmas in NYC or LA?
  24. Would you rather go to an awkward office Xmas party or an awkward family Xmas dinner?

Christmas Related Icebreaker Questions

Christmas Related Icebreaker Questions
  1. What is your least favorite thing about Christmas?
  2. What is your favorite thing about Christmas?
  3. What is the best Christmas party you have ever been to? The worst?
  4. What is your favourite Christmas cocktail?
  5. What would you be most excited to see at a Christmas party?
  6. What is the best Christmas party you have ever been to?
  7. What was the worst Christmas party you have ever been to?
  8. What is your favorite holiday food? Least favorite?
  9. What is your favourite part of a Christmas party?
  10. Describe your perfect Christmas party?
  11. What do you hope will be in your Christmas party swag bag?
  12. Do you know everybody at this party? (Bonus- if no, go talk to somebody new!)
  13. Have you finished your holiday shopping yet?
  14. Did you find any good holiday sales this season?
  15. What is good on the buffet table?
  16. What is your favorite Christmas carol?
  17. What is your family’s funniest holiday story?
  18. Do you prefer to go out for New Years or stay in?
  19. Tree up before Thanksgiving or after Thanksgiving?
  20. Do you prefer Real tree or fake tree?
  21. Do you prefer Star or angel?
  22. Do you prefer Snowmen or snow angels?
  23. Do you prefer Mittens or gloves?
  24. Do you prefer Socks or sweaters?
  25. Would you rather get no presents or bad presents?
  26. Would you rather spend Christmas in Alaska or Hawaii?
  27. Would you rather dress up like an elf or dress up like Santa?
  28. Would you rather accidentally tell a child Santa was not real or have to watch an Xmas marriage proposal get rejected?
  29. Would you rather lie and tell someone you loved their present to be polite or admit that the present is bad in front of everyone?
  30. Would you rather get lots of little presents or one big present?

I hope you can use these Christmas icebreaker questions for the holiday season to have more fun, Merry Christmas Everyone!

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