80+ Best Would You Rather Game Online For Kids | Adults | Friends | Work 2024

Would you rather game online edition is one of my favorite games to with kids, friends and adults at work as well.

Question games quiz are one of the best way to help you know each other in new ways.

Moreover, these would you rather question are suitable for party or family get-together.

Pick suitable would you rather quiz to have a fun time with friends.

Would You Rather Game For Kids

Would You Rather Game For Kids
  • Would you rather eat a dead bug or a live worm?
  • Would you rather go to the doctor or the dentist?
  • Would you rather be a wizard or a superhero?
  • Would you rather have 5 good friends or 1 best friend?
  • Would you rather get caught farting or picking your nose?
  • Would you rather live in a cave or a treehouse?
  • Would you rather be really cold or be really hot?
  • Would you rather have a pink house or a purple house?
  • Would you rather be tall or short?
  • Would you rather cuddle a crocodile or kiss a snapping turtle?
  • Would you rather be cold or hungry?
  • Would you rather eat rice forever or eat beans forever?
  • Would you rather plan has feet as hands or hands as feet?
  • Would you rather be able to remember everything or forget everything?
  • Would you rather have a tail or wings?
  • Would you rather have two belly buttons or no belly button?
  • Would you rather be a dolphin or a whale?
  • Would you rather be bulletproof or shock resistant?
  • Would you rather eat raw onion or a lemon?
  • Would you rather do homework or do chores?

Would You Rather Game Online With Friends

Would You Rather Game Online With Friends
  • Would you rather be forced to sing along or dance to every single song you hear?
  • Would you rather find true love today or win the lottery next year?
  • Would you rather be in jail for five years or be in a coma for a decade?
  • Would you rather lose your sight or your memories?
  • Would you rather have universal respect or unlimited power?
  • Would you rather labor under a hot sun or extreme cold?
  • Would you rather stay in during a snow day or build a fort?
  • Would you rather be 11 feet tall or nine inches tall?
  • Would you rather find a rat in your kitchen or a roach in your bed?
  • Would you rather have a pause or a rewind button in your life?
  • Would you rather drink from a toilet or pee in a litter box?
  • Would you rather die before or after your partner?
  • Would you rather have Billie Eilish’s future or Madonna’s legacy?
  • Would you rather have a third nipple or an extra toe?
  • Would you rather solve world hunger or global warming?

Would You Rather Online Game For Adults

Would You Rather Online Game For Adults
  • Would you rather your partner be kinky or romantic?
  • Would you rather accidentally send a naughty picture to your dad or your boss?
  • Would you rather tell a lie for a good reason or tell the truth for a bad reason?
  • Would you rather have your heart broken or be the heartbreaker?
  • Would you rather have more time or more money?
  • Would you rather love your partner more or have them love you more?
  • Would you rather be a leader or a follower?
  • Would you rather be too busy or bored?
  • Would you rather give up bathing for a month or give up the internet for a month?
  • Would you rather cuddle under the stars or cuddle under a blanket?
  • Would you rather be happy, wealthy, or healthy?
  • Would you rather all the chats on your phone leak or all the photos?
  • Would you rather cheat or be cheated on?
  • Would you rather give up dates or kisses?
  • Would you rather meet the love of your life in high school or at the age of 30?
  • Would you rather you out-earn your partner or have them out-earn you?

Would You Rather Online Game For Work

Would You Rather Online Game For Work
  • Would you rather bike or drive to work?
  • Would you rather smell with your hands or talk with your feet?
  • Would you rather work for a very small company or a very large company?
  • Would you rather have a photographic memory or an IQ of 200?
  • Would you rather work in Los Angeles or in New York City?
  • Would you rather have a third ear or a third eye?
  • Would you rather work on a big team or just with one other person?
  • Would you rather walk to work in heels or drive to work in reverse?
  • Would you rather run a country or a business?
  • Would you rather go to a house party or a bar?
  • Would you rather sit in a loud part of the office or a quiet part?
  • Would you rather be a detective or a scientist?
  • Would you rather be the oldest person in the office or the youngest?
  • Would you rather eat the oldest thing in the office fridge or clean the office bathroom?
  • Would you rather be a famous celebrity or live like a hermit?
  • Would you rather have a work vacation at the beach or in the mountains?
  • Would You Rather be always slightly hot or slightly cold?
  • Would you rather prefer working from home or work in the office?
  • Would you rather lose the ability to cry or cry at least once a day for the rest of your life?
  • Would you rather be on a survival reality show or dating show?

Would You Rather Drinking Game Online

Would You Rather Drinking Game Online
  • Would you rather have a happy family but no money or a mean family but three million dollars?
  • Would you rather have eyes the size of a baseball or eyes the size of a pea?
  • Would you rather be a carrot or a pickle?
  • Would you rather be immortal or have nine lives?
  • Would you rather win the lottery or live twice as long?
  • Would you rather live without coffee or chocolate?
  • Would you rather have a dog’s nose or a dog’s eyes?
  • Would you rather allow others to see everything you do or hear everything you say for a day?
  • Would you rather be a self-made millionaire or marry a billionaire?
  • Would you rather be gossiped about or be ignored forever?
  • Would you rather be unable to say no or to say yes?
  • Would you rather find your soulmate or have your dream job?
  • Would You Rather lose all of your friends or family?
  • Would You Rather be born in the future or the past?

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